Module meshtastic.mesh_interface
Mesh Interface class
Expand source code
"""Mesh Interface class
import sys
import random
import time
import logging
import collections
from typing import AnyStr
import threading
from datetime import datetime
import timeago
from tabulate import tabulate
import google.protobuf.json_format
from pubsub import pub
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
import meshtastic.node
from meshtastic import portnums_pb2, mesh_pb2
from meshtastic.util import stripnl, Timeout, Acknowledgment, our_exit, remove_keys_from_dict, convert_mac_addr
from meshtastic.__init__ import LOCAL_ADDR, BROADCAST_NUM, BROADCAST_ADDR, ResponseHandler, publishingThread, OUR_APP_VERSION, protocols
class MeshInterface:
"""Interface class for meshtastic devices
def __init__(self, debugOut=None, noProto=False):
Keyword Arguments:
noProto -- If True, don't try to run our protocol on the
link - just be a dumb serial client.
self.debugOut = debugOut
self.nodes = None # FIXME
self.isConnected = threading.Event()
self.noProto = noProto
self.localNode = meshtastic.node.Node(self, -1) # We fixup nodenum later
self.myInfo = None # We don't have device info yet
self.responseHandlers = {} # A map from request ID to the handler
self.failure = None # If we've encountered a fatal exception it will be kept here
self._timeout = Timeout()
self._acknowledgment = Acknowledgment()
self.heartbeatTimer = None
random.seed() # FIXME, we should not clobber the random seedval here, instead tell user they must call it
self.currentPacketId = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
self.nodesByNum = None
self.configId = None
self.gotResponse = False # used in gpio read
self.mask = None # used in gpio read and gpio watch
self.queueStatus = None
self.queue = collections.OrderedDict()
def close(self):
"""Shutdown this interface"""
if self.heartbeatTimer:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type is not None and exc_value is not None:
logging.error(f'An exception of type {exc_type} with value {exc_value} has occurred')
if traceback is not None:
logging.error(f'Traceback: {traceback}')
def showInfo(self, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=W0613
"""Show human readable summary about this object"""
owner = f"Owner: {self.getLongName()} ({self.getShortName()})"
myinfo = ''
if self.myInfo:
myinfo = f"\nMy info: {stripnl(MessageToJson(self.myInfo))}"
mesh = "\nNodes in mesh:"
nodes = ""
if self.nodes:
for n in self.nodes.values():
# when the TBeam is first booted, it sometimes shows the raw data
# so, we will just remove any raw keys
keys_to_remove = ('raw', 'decoded', 'payload')
n2 = remove_keys_from_dict(keys_to_remove, n)
# if we have 'macaddr', re-format it
if 'macaddr' in n2['user']:
val = n2['user']['macaddr']
# decode the base64 value
addr = convert_mac_addr(val)
n2['user']['macaddr'] = addr
nodes = nodes + f" {stripnl(n2)}"
infos = owner + myinfo + mesh + nodes
return infos
def showNodes(self, includeSelf=True, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=W0613
"""Show table summary of nodes in mesh"""
def formatFloat(value, precision=2, unit=''):
"""Format a float value with precsion."""
return f'{value:.{precision}f}{unit}' if value else None
def getLH(ts):
"""Format last heard"""
return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ts else None
def getTimeAgo(ts):
"""Format how long ago have we heard from this node (aka timeago)."""
return timeago.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts), if ts else None
rows = []
if self.nodes:
for node in self.nodes.values():
if not includeSelf and node['num'] == self.localNode.nodeNum:
row = {"N": 0}
user = node.get('user')
if user:
"User": user['longName'],
"AKA": user['shortName'],
"ID": user['id'],
pos = node.get('position')
if pos:
"Latitude": formatFloat(pos.get("latitude"), 4, "°"),
"Longitude": formatFloat(pos.get("longitude"), 4, "°"),
"Altitude": formatFloat(pos.get("altitude"), 0, " m"),
metrics = node.get('deviceMetrics')
if metrics:
batteryLevel = metrics.get('batteryLevel')
if batteryLevel is not None:
if batteryLevel == 0:
batteryString = "Powered"
batteryString = str(batteryLevel)+"%"
row.update({"Battery": batteryString})
"Channel util.": formatFloat(metrics.get('channelUtilization'), 2, "%"),
"Tx air util.": formatFloat(metrics.get('airUtilTx'), 2, "%"),
"SNR": formatFloat(node.get("snr"), 2, " dB"),
"LastHeard": getLH(node.get("lastHeard")),
"Since": getTimeAgo(node.get("lastHeard")),
rows.sort(key=lambda r: r.get('LastHeard') or '0000', reverse=True)
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
row['N'] = i+1
table = tabulate(rows, headers='keys', missingval='N/A', tablefmt='fancy_grid')
return table
def getNode(self, nodeId, requestConfig=True):
"""Return a node object which contains device settings and channel info"""
return self.localNode
n = meshtastic.node.Node(self, nodeId)
# Only request device settings and channel info when necessary
if requestConfig:
logging.debug("About to requestConfig")
if not n.waitForConfig():
our_exit("Error: Timed out waiting for node config")
return n
def sendText(self, text: AnyStr,
"""Send a utf8 string to some other node, if the node has a display it
will also be shown on the device.
text {string} -- The text to send
Keyword Arguments:
destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} -- where to send this
message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR})
portNum -- the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers)
of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list
wantAck -- True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner
(with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery)
wantResponse -- True if you want the service on the other side to
send an application layer response
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet
and can be used to track future message acks/naks.
return self.sendData(text.encode("utf-8"), destinationId,
def sendData(self, data, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR,
portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.PRIVATE_APP, wantAck=False,
"""Send a data packet to some other node
Keyword Arguments:
data -- the data to send, either as an array of bytes or
as a protobuf (which will be automatically
serialized to bytes)
destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} -- where to send this
message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR})
portNum -- the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers)
of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list
wantAck -- True if you want the message sent in a reliable
manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery)
wantResponse -- True if you want the service on the other
side to send an application layer response
onResponse -- A closure of the form funct(packet), that will be
called when a response packet arrives (or the transaction
is NAKed due to non receipt)
channelIndex - channel number to use
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet
and can be used to track future message acks/naks.
if getattr(data, "SerializeToString", None):
logging.debug(f"Serializing protobuf as data: {stripnl(data)}")
data = data.SerializeToString()
logging.debug(f"len(data): {len(data)}")
logging.debug(f"mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN: {mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN}")
if len(data) > mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN:
raise Exception("Data payload too big")
if portNum == portnums_pb2.PortNum.UNKNOWN_APP: # we are now more strict wrt port numbers
our_exit("Warning: A non-zero port number must be specified")
meshPacket = mesh_pb2.MeshPacket() = channelIndex
meshPacket.decoded.payload = data
meshPacket.decoded.portnum = portNum
meshPacket.decoded.want_response = wantResponse = self._generatePacketId()
if onResponse is not None:
self._addResponseHandler(, onResponse)
p = self._sendPacket(meshPacket, destinationId, wantAck=wantAck)
return p
def sendPosition(self, latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0, altitude=0, timeSec=0,
destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False):
Send a position packet to some other node (normally a broadcast)
Also, the device software will notice this packet and use it to automatically
set its notion of the local position.
If timeSec is not specified (recommended), we will use the local machine time.
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and
can be used to track future message acks/naks.
p = mesh_pb2.Position()
if latitude != 0.0:
p.latitude_i = int(latitude / 1e-7)
if longitude != 0.0:
p.longitude_i = int(longitude / 1e-7)
if altitude != 0:
p.altitude = int(altitude)
if timeSec == 0:
timeSec = time.time() # returns unix timestamp in seconds
p.time = int(timeSec)
return self.sendData(p, destinationId,
def sendTraceRoute(self, dest, hopLimit):
"""Send the trace route"""
r = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery()
self.sendData(r, destinationId=dest, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.TRACEROUTE_APP,
wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseTraceRoute)
# extend timeout based on number of nodes, limit by configured hopLimit
waitFactor = min(len(self.nodes)-1, hopLimit)
def onResponseTraceRoute(self, p):
"""on response for trace route"""
routeDiscovery = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery()
asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(routeDiscovery)
print("Route traced:")
routeStr = self._nodeNumToId(p["to"])
if "route" in asDict:
for nodeNum in asDict["route"]:
routeStr += " --> " + self._nodeNumToId(nodeNum)
routeStr += " --> " + self._nodeNumToId(p["from"])
self._acknowledgment.receivedTraceRoute = True
def _addResponseHandler(self, requestId, callback):
self.responseHandlers[requestId] = ResponseHandler(callback)
def _sendPacket(self, meshPacket,
"""Send a MeshPacket to the specified node (or if unspecified, broadcast).
You probably don't want this - use sendData instead.
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and
can be used to track future message acks/naks.
# We allow users to talk to the local node before we've completed the full connection flow...
if(self.myInfo is not None and destinationId != self.myInfo.my_node_num):
toRadio = mesh_pb2.ToRadio()
nodeNum = 0
if destinationId is None:
our_exit("Warning: destinationId must not be None")
elif isinstance(destinationId, int):
nodeNum = destinationId
elif destinationId == BROADCAST_ADDR:
elif destinationId == LOCAL_ADDR:
if self.myInfo:
nodeNum = self.myInfo.my_node_num
our_exit("Warning: No myInfo found.")
# A simple hex style nodeid - we can parse this without needing the DB
elif destinationId.startswith("!"):
nodeNum = int(destinationId[1:], 16)
if self.nodes:
node = self.nodes.get(destinationId)
if not node:
our_exit(f"Warning: NodeId {destinationId} not found in DB")
nodeNum = node['num']
logging.warning("Warning: There were no self.nodes.") = nodeNum
meshPacket.want_ack = wantAck
loraConfig = getattr(self.localNode.localConfig, 'lora')
hopLimit = getattr(loraConfig, 'hop_limit')
meshPacket.hop_limit = hopLimit
# if the user hasn't set an ID for this packet (likely and recommended),
# we should pick a new unique ID so the message can be tracked.
if == 0: = self._generatePacketId()
if self.noProto:
logging.warning(f"Not sending packet because protocol use is disabled by noProto")
logging.debug(f"Sending packet: {stripnl(meshPacket)}")
return meshPacket
def waitForConfig(self):
"""Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received."""
success = self._timeout.waitForSet(self, attrs=('myInfo', 'nodes')) and self.localNode.waitForConfig()
if not success:
raise Exception("Timed out waiting for interface config")
def waitForAckNak(self):
"""Wait for the ack/nak"""
success = self._timeout.waitForAckNak(self._acknowledgment)
if not success:
raise Exception("Timed out waiting for an acknowledgment")
def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor):
"""Wait for trace route"""
success = self._timeout.waitForTraceRoute(waitFactor, self._acknowledgment)
if not success:
raise Exception("Timed out waiting for traceroute")
def getMyNodeInfo(self):
"""Get info about my node."""
if self.myInfo is None:
return None
return self.nodesByNum.get(self.myInfo.my_node_num)
def getMyUser(self):
"""Get user"""
nodeInfo = self.getMyNodeInfo()
if nodeInfo is not None:
return nodeInfo.get('user')
return None
def getLongName(self):
"""Get long name"""
user = self.getMyUser()
if user is not None:
return user.get('longName', None)
return None
def getShortName(self):
"""Get short name"""
user = self.getMyUser()
if user is not None:
return user.get('shortName', None)
return None
def _waitConnected(self, timeout=15.0):
"""Block until the initial node db download is complete, or timeout
and raise an exception"""
if not self.noProto:
if not self.isConnected.wait(timeout): # timeout after x seconds
raise Exception("Timed out waiting for connection completion")
# If we failed while connecting, raise the connection to the client
if self.failure:
raise self.failure
def _generatePacketId(self):
"""Get a new unique packet ID"""
if self.currentPacketId is None:
raise Exception("Not connected yet, can not generate packet")
self.currentPacketId = (self.currentPacketId + 1) & 0xffffffff
return self.currentPacketId
def _disconnected(self):
"""Called by subclasses to tell clients this interface has disconnected"""
publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage("meshtastic.connection.lost", interface=self))
def _startHeartbeat(self):
"""We need to send a heartbeat message to the device every X seconds"""
def callback():
self.heartbeatTimer = None
prefs = self.localNode.localConfig
i = prefs.power.ls_secs / 2
logging.debug(f"Sending heartbeat, interval {i}")
if i != 0:
self.heartbeatTimer = threading.Timer(i, callback)
p = mesh_pb2.ToRadio()
callback() # run our periodic callback now, it will make another timer if necessary
def _connected(self):
"""Called by this class to tell clients we are now fully connected to a node
# (because I'm lazy) _connected might be called when remote Node
# objects complete their config reads, don't generate redundant isConnected
# for the local interface
if not self.isConnected.is_set():
publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage("meshtastic.connection.established", interface=self))
def _startConfig(self):
"""Start device packets flowing"""
self.myInfo = None
self.nodes = {} # nodes keyed by ID
self.nodesByNum = {} # nodes keyed by nodenum
startConfig = mesh_pb2.ToRadio()
self.configId = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff)
startConfig.want_config_id = self.configId
def _sendDisconnect(self):
"""Tell device we are done using it"""
m = mesh_pb2.ToRadio()
m.disconnect = True
def _queueHasFreeSpace(self):
# We never got queueStatus, maybe the firmware is old
if self.queueStatus is None:
return True
return > 0
def _queueClaim(self):
if self.queueStatus is None:
return -= 1
def _sendToRadio(self, toRadio):
"""Send a ToRadio protobuf to the device"""
if self.noProto:
logging.warning(f"Not sending packet because protocol use is disabled by noProto")
#logging.debug(f"Sending toRadio: {stripnl(toRadio)}")
if not toRadio.HasField('packet'):
# not a meshpacket -- send immediately, give queue a chance,
# this makes heartbeat trigger queue
# meshpacket -- queue
self.queue[] = toRadio
resentQueue = collections.OrderedDict()
while self.queue:
#logging.warn("queue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue))
while not self._queueHasFreeSpace():
logging.debug("Waiting for free space in TX Queue")
toResend = self.queue.popitem(last=False)
except KeyError:
packetId, packet = toResend
#logging.warn(f"packet: {packetId:08x} {packet}")
resentQueue[packetId] = packet
if packet is False:
if packet != toRadio:
logging.debug(f"Resending packet ID {packetId:08x} {packet}")
#logging.warn("resentQueue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in resentQueue))
for packetId, packet in resentQueue.items():
if self.queue.pop(packetId, False) is False: # Packet got acked under us
logging.debug(f"packet {packetId:08x} got acked under us")
if packet:
self.queue[packetId] = packet
#logging.warn("queue + resentQueue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue))
def _sendToRadioImpl(self, toRadio):
"""Send a ToRadio protobuf to the device"""
logging.error(f"Subclass must provide toradio: {toRadio}")
def _handleConfigComplete(self):
Done with initial config messages, now send regular MeshPackets
to ask for settings and channels
def _handleQueueStatusFromRadio(self, queueStatus):
self.queueStatus = queueStatus
logging.debug(f"TX QUEUE free {} of {queueStatus.maxlen}, res = {queueStatus.res}, id = {queueStatus.mesh_packet_id:08x} ")
if queueStatus.res:
#logging.warn("queue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue))
justQueued = self.queue.pop(queueStatus.mesh_packet_id, None)
if justQueued is None and queueStatus.mesh_packet_id != 0:
self.queue[queueStatus.mesh_packet_id] = False
logging.debug(f"Reply for unexpected packet ID {queueStatus.mesh_packet_id:08x}")
#logging.warn("queue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue))
def _handleFromRadio(self, fromRadioBytes):
Handle a packet that arrived from the radio(update model and publish events)
Called by subclasses."""
fromRadio = mesh_pb2.FromRadio()
logging.debug(f"in _handleFromRadio() fromRadioBytes: {fromRadioBytes}")
asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(fromRadio)
logging.debug(f"Received from radio: {fromRadio}")
if fromRadio.HasField("my_info"):
self.myInfo = fromRadio.my_info
self.localNode.nodeNum = self.myInfo.my_node_num
logging.debug(f"Received myinfo: {stripnl(fromRadio.my_info)}")
failmsg = None
# Check for app too old
if self.myInfo.min_app_version > OUR_APP_VERSION:
failmsg = "This device needs a newer python client, run 'pip install --upgrade meshtastic'."\
"For more information see"
# check for firmware too old
if self.myInfo.max_channels == 0:
failmsg = "This version of meshtastic-python requires device firmware version 1.2 or later. "\
"For more information see"
if failmsg:
self.failure = Exception(failmsg)
self.isConnected.set() # let waitConnected return this exception
elif fromRadio.HasField("node_info"):
node = asDict["nodeInfo"]
newpos = self._fixupPosition(node["position"])
node["position"] = newpos
logging.debug("Node without position")
logging.debug(f"Received nodeinfo: {node}")
self.nodesByNum[node["num"]] = node
if "user" in node: # Some nodes might not have user/ids assigned yet
if "id" in node["user"]:
self.nodes[node["user"]["id"]] = node
publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage("meshtastic.node.updated",
node=node, interface=self))
elif fromRadio.config_complete_id == self.configId:
# we ignore the config_complete_id, it is unneeded for our
# stream API fromRadio.config_complete_id
logging.debug(f"Config complete ID {self.configId}")
elif fromRadio.HasField("packet"):
elif fromRadio.HasField('queueStatus'):
elif fromRadio.rebooted:
# Tell clients the device went away. Careful not to call the overridden
# subclass version that closes the serial port
self._startConfig() # redownload the node db etc...
elif fromRadio.config or fromRadio.moduleConfig:
if fromRadio.config.HasField("device"):
elif fromRadio.config.HasField("position"):
elif fromRadio.config.HasField("power"):
elif fromRadio.config.HasField("network"):
elif fromRadio.config.HasField("display"):
elif fromRadio.config.HasField("lora"):
elif fromRadio.config.HasField("bluetooth"):
elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("mqtt"):
elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("serial"):
elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("external_notification"):
elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("range_test"):
elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("telemetry"):
elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("canned_message"):
logging.debug("Unexpected FromRadio payload")
def _fixupPosition(self, position):
"""Convert integer lat/lon into floats
position {Position dictionary} -- object to fix up
Returns the position with the updated keys
if "latitudeI" in position:
position["latitude"] = position["latitudeI"] * 1e-7
if "longitudeI" in position:
position["longitude"] = position["longitudeI"] * 1e-7
return position
def _nodeNumToId(self, num):
"""Map a node node number to a node ID
num {int} -- Node number
string -- Node ID
if num == BROADCAST_NUM:
return self.nodesByNum[num]["user"]["id"]
logging.debug(f"Node {num} not found for fromId")
return None
def _getOrCreateByNum(self, nodeNum):
"""Given a nodenum find the NodeInfo in the DB (or create if necessary)"""
if nodeNum == BROADCAST_NUM:
raise Exception("Can not create/find nodenum by the broadcast num")
if nodeNum in self.nodesByNum:
return self.nodesByNum[nodeNum]
n = {"num": nodeNum} # Create a minimial node db entry
self.nodesByNum[nodeNum] = n
return n
def _handlePacketFromRadio(self, meshPacket, hack=False):
"""Handle a MeshPacket that just arrived from the radio
hack - well, since we used 'from', which is a python keyword,
as an attribute to MeshPacket in protobufs,
there really is no way to do something like this:
meshPacket = mesh_pb2.MeshPacket()
meshPacket.from = 123
If hack is True, we can unit test this code.
Will publish one of the following events:
- meshtastic.receive.text(packet = MeshPacket dictionary)
- meshtastic.receive.position(packet = MeshPacket dictionary)
- meshtastic.receive.user(packet = MeshPacket dictionary)
- = MeshPacket dictionary)
asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(meshPacket)
# We normally decompose the payload into a dictionary so that the client
# doesn't need to understand protobufs. But advanced clients might
# want the raw protobuf, so we provide it in "raw"
asDict["raw"] = meshPacket
# from might be missing if the nodenum was zero.
if not hack and "from" not in asDict:
asDict["from"] = 0
logging.error(f"Device returned a packet we sent, ignoring: {stripnl(asDict)}")
print(f"Error: Device returned a packet we sent, ignoring: {stripnl(asDict)}")
if "to" not in asDict:
asDict["to"] = 0
# /add fromId and toId fields based on the node ID
asDict["fromId"] = self._nodeNumToId(asDict["from"])
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning(f"Not populating fromId {ex}")
asDict["toId"] = self._nodeNumToId(asDict["to"])
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning(f"Not populating toId {ex}")
# We could provide our objects as DotMaps - which work with . notation or as dictionaries
# asObj = DotMap(asDict)
topic = "meshtastic.receive" # Generic unknown packet type
decoded = None
if 'decoded' in asDict:
decoded = asDict["decoded"]
# The default MessageToDict converts byte arrays into base64 strings.
# We don't want that - it messes up data payload. So slam in the correct
# byte array.
decoded["payload"] = meshPacket.decoded.payload
# UNKNOWN_APP is the default protobuf portnum value, and therefore if not
# set it will not be populated at all to make API usage easier, set
# it to prevent confusion
if decoded and "portnum" not in decoded:
new_portnum = portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name(portnums_pb2.PortNum.UNKNOWN_APP)
decoded["portnum"] = new_portnum
logging.warning(f"portnum was not in decoded. Setting to:{new_portnum}")
portnum = decoded["portnum"]
topic = f"{portnum}"
# decode position protobufs and update nodedb, provide decoded version
# as "position" in the published msg move the following into a 'decoders'
# API that clients could register?
portNumInt = meshPacket.decoded.portnum # we want portnum as an int
handler = protocols.get(portNumInt)
# The decoded protobuf as a dictionary (if we understand this message)
p = None
if handler is not None:
topic = f"meshtastic.receive.{}"
# Convert to protobuf if possible
if handler.protobufFactory is not None:
pb = handler.protobufFactory()
p = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(pb)
asDict["decoded"][] = p
# Also provide the protobuf raw
asDict["decoded"][]["raw"] = pb
# Call specialized onReceive if necessary
if handler.onReceive is not None:
handler.onReceive(self, asDict)
# Is this message in response to a request, if so, look for a handler
requestId = decoded.get("requestId")
if requestId is not None:
# We ignore ACK packets, but send NAKs and data responses to the handlers
routing = decoded.get("routing")
isAck = routing is not None and ("errorReason" not in routing)
if not isAck:
# we keep the responseHandler in dict until we get a non ack
handler = self.responseHandlers.pop(requestId, None)
if handler is not None:
if not isAck or (isAck and handler.__name__ == "onAckNak"):
logging.debug(f"Publishing {topic}: packet={stripnl(asDict)} ")
publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage(
topic, packet=asDict, interface=self))
class MeshInterface (debugOut=None, noProto=False)
Interface class for meshtastic devices
isConnected nodes debugOut
Keyword Arguments: noProto – If True, don't try to run our protocol on the link - just be a dumb serial client.
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class MeshInterface: """Interface class for meshtastic devices Properties: isConnected nodes debugOut """ def __init__(self, debugOut=None, noProto=False): """Constructor Keyword Arguments: noProto -- If True, don't try to run our protocol on the link - just be a dumb serial client. """ self.debugOut = debugOut self.nodes = None # FIXME self.isConnected = threading.Event() self.noProto = noProto self.localNode = meshtastic.node.Node(self, -1) # We fixup nodenum later self.myInfo = None # We don't have device info yet self.responseHandlers = {} # A map from request ID to the handler self.failure = None # If we've encountered a fatal exception it will be kept here self._timeout = Timeout() self._acknowledgment = Acknowledgment() self.heartbeatTimer = None random.seed() # FIXME, we should not clobber the random seedval here, instead tell user they must call it self.currentPacketId = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff) self.nodesByNum = None self.configId = None self.gotResponse = False # used in gpio read self.mask = None # used in gpio read and gpio watch self.queueStatus = None self.queue = collections.OrderedDict() def close(self): """Shutdown this interface""" if self.heartbeatTimer: self.heartbeatTimer.cancel() self._sendDisconnect() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is not None and exc_value is not None: logging.error(f'An exception of type {exc_type} with value {exc_value} has occurred') if traceback is not None: logging.error(f'Traceback: {traceback}') self.close() def showInfo(self, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Show human readable summary about this object""" owner = f"Owner: {self.getLongName()} ({self.getShortName()})" myinfo = '' if self.myInfo: myinfo = f"\nMy info: {stripnl(MessageToJson(self.myInfo))}" mesh = "\nNodes in mesh:" nodes = "" if self.nodes: for n in self.nodes.values(): # when the TBeam is first booted, it sometimes shows the raw data # so, we will just remove any raw keys keys_to_remove = ('raw', 'decoded', 'payload') n2 = remove_keys_from_dict(keys_to_remove, n) # if we have 'macaddr', re-format it if 'macaddr' in n2['user']: val = n2['user']['macaddr'] # decode the base64 value addr = convert_mac_addr(val) n2['user']['macaddr'] = addr nodes = nodes + f" {stripnl(n2)}" infos = owner + myinfo + mesh + nodes print(infos) return infos def showNodes(self, includeSelf=True, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Show table summary of nodes in mesh""" def formatFloat(value, precision=2, unit=''): """Format a float value with precsion.""" return f'{value:.{precision}f}{unit}' if value else None def getLH(ts): """Format last heard""" return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ts else None def getTimeAgo(ts): """Format how long ago have we heard from this node (aka timeago).""" return timeago.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts), if ts else None rows = [] if self.nodes: logging.debug(f'self.nodes:{self.nodes}') for node in self.nodes.values(): if not includeSelf and node['num'] == self.localNode.nodeNum: continue row = {"N": 0} user = node.get('user') if user: row.update({ "User": user['longName'], "AKA": user['shortName'], "ID": user['id'], }) pos = node.get('position') if pos: row.update({ "Latitude": formatFloat(pos.get("latitude"), 4, "°"), "Longitude": formatFloat(pos.get("longitude"), 4, "°"), "Altitude": formatFloat(pos.get("altitude"), 0, " m"), }) metrics = node.get('deviceMetrics') if metrics: batteryLevel = metrics.get('batteryLevel') if batteryLevel is not None: if batteryLevel == 0: batteryString = "Powered" else: batteryString = str(batteryLevel)+"%" row.update({"Battery": batteryString}) row.update({ "Channel util.": formatFloat(metrics.get('channelUtilization'), 2, "%"), "Tx air util.": formatFloat(metrics.get('airUtilTx'), 2, "%"), }) row.update({ "SNR": formatFloat(node.get("snr"), 2, " dB"), "LastHeard": getLH(node.get("lastHeard")), "Since": getTimeAgo(node.get("lastHeard")), }) rows.append(row) rows.sort(key=lambda r: r.get('LastHeard') or '0000', reverse=True) for i, row in enumerate(rows): row['N'] = i+1 table = tabulate(rows, headers='keys', missingval='N/A', tablefmt='fancy_grid') print(table) return table def getNode(self, nodeId, requestConfig=True): """Return a node object which contains device settings and channel info""" if nodeId in (LOCAL_ADDR, BROADCAST_ADDR): return self.localNode else: n = meshtastic.node.Node(self, nodeId) # Only request device settings and channel info when necessary if requestConfig: logging.debug("About to requestConfig") n.requestConfig() if not n.waitForConfig(): our_exit("Error: Timed out waiting for node config") return n def sendText(self, text: AnyStr, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False, onResponse=None, channelIndex=0): """Send a utf8 string to some other node, if the node has a display it will also be shown on the device. Arguments: text {string} -- The text to send Keyword Arguments: destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} -- where to send this message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR}) portNum -- the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers) of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list wantAck -- True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery) wantResponse -- True if you want the service on the other side to send an application layer response Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ return self.sendData(text.encode("utf-8"), destinationId, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.TEXT_MESSAGE_APP, wantAck=wantAck, wantResponse=wantResponse, onResponse=onResponse, channelIndex=channelIndex) def sendData(self, data, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.PRIVATE_APP, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False, onResponse=None, channelIndex=0): """Send a data packet to some other node Keyword Arguments: data -- the data to send, either as an array of bytes or as a protobuf (which will be automatically serialized to bytes) destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} -- where to send this message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR}) portNum -- the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers) of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list wantAck -- True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery) wantResponse -- True if you want the service on the other side to send an application layer response onResponse -- A closure of the form funct(packet), that will be called when a response packet arrives (or the transaction is NAKed due to non receipt) channelIndex - channel number to use Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ if getattr(data, "SerializeToString", None): logging.debug(f"Serializing protobuf as data: {stripnl(data)}") data = data.SerializeToString() logging.debug(f"len(data): {len(data)}") logging.debug(f"mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN: {mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN}") if len(data) > mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN: raise Exception("Data payload too big") if portNum == portnums_pb2.PortNum.UNKNOWN_APP: # we are now more strict wrt port numbers our_exit("Warning: A non-zero port number must be specified") meshPacket = mesh_pb2.MeshPacket() = channelIndex meshPacket.decoded.payload = data meshPacket.decoded.portnum = portNum meshPacket.decoded.want_response = wantResponse = self._generatePacketId() if onResponse is not None: self._addResponseHandler(, onResponse) p = self._sendPacket(meshPacket, destinationId, wantAck=wantAck) return p def sendPosition(self, latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0, altitude=0, timeSec=0, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False): """ Send a position packet to some other node (normally a broadcast) Also, the device software will notice this packet and use it to automatically set its notion of the local position. If timeSec is not specified (recommended), we will use the local machine time. Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ p = mesh_pb2.Position() if latitude != 0.0: p.latitude_i = int(latitude / 1e-7) logging.debug(f'p.latitude_i:{p.latitude_i}') if longitude != 0.0: p.longitude_i = int(longitude / 1e-7) logging.debug(f'p.longitude_i:{p.longitude_i}') if altitude != 0: p.altitude = int(altitude) logging.debug(f'p.altitude:{p.altitude}') if timeSec == 0: timeSec = time.time() # returns unix timestamp in seconds p.time = int(timeSec) logging.debug(f'p.time:{p.time}') return self.sendData(p, destinationId, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.POSITION_APP, wantAck=wantAck, wantResponse=wantResponse) def sendTraceRoute(self, dest, hopLimit): """Send the trace route""" r = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery() self.sendData(r, destinationId=dest, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.TRACEROUTE_APP, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseTraceRoute) # extend timeout based on number of nodes, limit by configured hopLimit waitFactor = min(len(self.nodes)-1, hopLimit) self.waitForTraceRoute(waitFactor) def onResponseTraceRoute(self, p): """on response for trace route""" routeDiscovery = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery() routeDiscovery.ParseFromString(p["decoded"]["payload"]) asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(routeDiscovery) print("Route traced:") routeStr = self._nodeNumToId(p["to"]) if "route" in asDict: for nodeNum in asDict["route"]: routeStr += " --> " + self._nodeNumToId(nodeNum) routeStr += " --> " + self._nodeNumToId(p["from"]) print(routeStr) self._acknowledgment.receivedTraceRoute = True def _addResponseHandler(self, requestId, callback): self.responseHandlers[requestId] = ResponseHandler(callback) def _sendPacket(self, meshPacket, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, wantAck=False): """Send a MeshPacket to the specified node (or if unspecified, broadcast). You probably don't want this - use sendData instead. Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ # We allow users to talk to the local node before we've completed the full connection flow... if(self.myInfo is not None and destinationId != self.myInfo.my_node_num): self._waitConnected() toRadio = mesh_pb2.ToRadio() nodeNum = 0 if destinationId is None: our_exit("Warning: destinationId must not be None") elif isinstance(destinationId, int): nodeNum = destinationId elif destinationId == BROADCAST_ADDR: nodeNum = BROADCAST_NUM elif destinationId == LOCAL_ADDR: if self.myInfo: nodeNum = self.myInfo.my_node_num else: our_exit("Warning: No myInfo found.") # A simple hex style nodeid - we can parse this without needing the DB elif destinationId.startswith("!"): nodeNum = int(destinationId[1:], 16) else: if self.nodes: node = self.nodes.get(destinationId) if not node: our_exit(f"Warning: NodeId {destinationId} not found in DB") nodeNum = node['num'] else: logging.warning("Warning: There were no self.nodes.") = nodeNum meshPacket.want_ack = wantAck loraConfig = getattr(self.localNode.localConfig, 'lora') hopLimit = getattr(loraConfig, 'hop_limit') meshPacket.hop_limit = hopLimit # if the user hasn't set an ID for this packet (likely and recommended), # we should pick a new unique ID so the message can be tracked. if == 0: = self._generatePacketId() toRadio.packet.CopyFrom(meshPacket) if self.noProto: logging.warning(f"Not sending packet because protocol use is disabled by noProto") else: logging.debug(f"Sending packet: {stripnl(meshPacket)}") self._sendToRadio(toRadio) return meshPacket def waitForConfig(self): """Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received.""" success = self._timeout.waitForSet(self, attrs=('myInfo', 'nodes')) and self.localNode.waitForConfig() if not success: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for interface config") def waitForAckNak(self): """Wait for the ack/nak""" success = self._timeout.waitForAckNak(self._acknowledgment) if not success: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for an acknowledgment") def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor): """Wait for trace route""" success = self._timeout.waitForTraceRoute(waitFactor, self._acknowledgment) if not success: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for traceroute") def getMyNodeInfo(self): """Get info about my node.""" if self.myInfo is None: return None logging.debug(f'self.nodesByNum:{self.nodesByNum}') return self.nodesByNum.get(self.myInfo.my_node_num) def getMyUser(self): """Get user""" nodeInfo = self.getMyNodeInfo() if nodeInfo is not None: return nodeInfo.get('user') return None def getLongName(self): """Get long name""" user = self.getMyUser() if user is not None: return user.get('longName', None) return None def getShortName(self): """Get short name""" user = self.getMyUser() if user is not None: return user.get('shortName', None) return None def _waitConnected(self, timeout=15.0): """Block until the initial node db download is complete, or timeout and raise an exception""" if not self.noProto: if not self.isConnected.wait(timeout): # timeout after x seconds raise Exception("Timed out waiting for connection completion") # If we failed while connecting, raise the connection to the client if self.failure: raise self.failure def _generatePacketId(self): """Get a new unique packet ID""" if self.currentPacketId is None: raise Exception("Not connected yet, can not generate packet") else: self.currentPacketId = (self.currentPacketId + 1) & 0xffffffff return self.currentPacketId def _disconnected(self): """Called by subclasses to tell clients this interface has disconnected""" self.isConnected.clear() publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage("meshtastic.connection.lost", interface=self)) def _startHeartbeat(self): """We need to send a heartbeat message to the device every X seconds""" def callback(): self.heartbeatTimer = None prefs = self.localNode.localConfig i = prefs.power.ls_secs / 2 logging.debug(f"Sending heartbeat, interval {i}") if i != 0: self.heartbeatTimer = threading.Timer(i, callback) self.heartbeatTimer.start() p = mesh_pb2.ToRadio() self._sendToRadio(p) callback() # run our periodic callback now, it will make another timer if necessary def _connected(self): """Called by this class to tell clients we are now fully connected to a node """ # (because I'm lazy) _connected might be called when remote Node # objects complete their config reads, don't generate redundant isConnected # for the local interface if not self.isConnected.is_set(): self.isConnected.set() self._startHeartbeat() publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage("meshtastic.connection.established", interface=self)) def _startConfig(self): """Start device packets flowing""" self.myInfo = None self.nodes = {} # nodes keyed by ID self.nodesByNum = {} # nodes keyed by nodenum startConfig = mesh_pb2.ToRadio() self.configId = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff) startConfig.want_config_id = self.configId self._sendToRadio(startConfig) def _sendDisconnect(self): """Tell device we are done using it""" m = mesh_pb2.ToRadio() m.disconnect = True self._sendToRadio(m) def _queueHasFreeSpace(self): # We never got queueStatus, maybe the firmware is old if self.queueStatus is None: return True return > 0 def _queueClaim(self): if self.queueStatus is None: return -= 1 def _sendToRadio(self, toRadio): """Send a ToRadio protobuf to the device""" if self.noProto: logging.warning(f"Not sending packet because protocol use is disabled by noProto") else: #logging.debug(f"Sending toRadio: {stripnl(toRadio)}") if not toRadio.HasField('packet'): # not a meshpacket -- send immediately, give queue a chance, # this makes heartbeat trigger queue self._sendToRadioImpl(toRadio) else: # meshpacket -- queue self.queue[] = toRadio resentQueue = collections.OrderedDict() while self.queue: #logging.warn("queue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue)) while not self._queueHasFreeSpace(): logging.debug("Waiting for free space in TX Queue") time.sleep(0.5) try: toResend = self.queue.popitem(last=False) except KeyError: break packetId, packet = toResend #logging.warn(f"packet: {packetId:08x} {packet}") resentQueue[packetId] = packet if packet is False: continue self._queueClaim() if packet != toRadio: logging.debug(f"Resending packet ID {packetId:08x} {packet}") self._sendToRadioImpl(packet) #logging.warn("resentQueue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in resentQueue)) for packetId, packet in resentQueue.items(): if self.queue.pop(packetId, False) is False: # Packet got acked under us logging.debug(f"packet {packetId:08x} got acked under us") continue if packet: self.queue[packetId] = packet #logging.warn("queue + resentQueue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue)) def _sendToRadioImpl(self, toRadio): """Send a ToRadio protobuf to the device""" logging.error(f"Subclass must provide toradio: {toRadio}") def _handleConfigComplete(self): """ Done with initial config messages, now send regular MeshPackets to ask for settings and channels """ self.localNode.requestConfig() def _handleQueueStatusFromRadio(self, queueStatus): self.queueStatus = queueStatus logging.debug(f"TX QUEUE free {} of {queueStatus.maxlen}, res = {queueStatus.res}, id = {queueStatus.mesh_packet_id:08x} ") if queueStatus.res: return #logging.warn("queue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue)) justQueued = self.queue.pop(queueStatus.mesh_packet_id, None) if justQueued is None and queueStatus.mesh_packet_id != 0: self.queue[queueStatus.mesh_packet_id] = False logging.debug(f"Reply for unexpected packet ID {queueStatus.mesh_packet_id:08x}") #logging.warn("queue: " + " ".join(f'{k:08x}' for k in self.queue)) def _handleFromRadio(self, fromRadioBytes): """ Handle a packet that arrived from the radio(update model and publish events) Called by subclasses.""" fromRadio = mesh_pb2.FromRadio() fromRadio.ParseFromString(fromRadioBytes) logging.debug(f"in _handleFromRadio() fromRadioBytes: {fromRadioBytes}") asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(fromRadio) logging.debug(f"Received from radio: {fromRadio}") if fromRadio.HasField("my_info"): self.myInfo = fromRadio.my_info self.localNode.nodeNum = self.myInfo.my_node_num logging.debug(f"Received myinfo: {stripnl(fromRadio.my_info)}") failmsg = None # Check for app too old if self.myInfo.min_app_version > OUR_APP_VERSION: failmsg = "This device needs a newer python client, run 'pip install --upgrade meshtastic'."\ "For more information see" # check for firmware too old if self.myInfo.max_channels == 0: failmsg = "This version of meshtastic-python requires device firmware version 1.2 or later. "\ "For more information see" if failmsg: self.failure = Exception(failmsg) self.isConnected.set() # let waitConnected return this exception self.close() elif fromRadio.HasField("node_info"): node = asDict["nodeInfo"] try: newpos = self._fixupPosition(node["position"]) node["position"] = newpos except: logging.debug("Node without position") logging.debug(f"Received nodeinfo: {node}") self.nodesByNum[node["num"]] = node if "user" in node: # Some nodes might not have user/ids assigned yet if "id" in node["user"]: self.nodes[node["user"]["id"]] = node publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage("meshtastic.node.updated", node=node, interface=self)) elif fromRadio.config_complete_id == self.configId: # we ignore the config_complete_id, it is unneeded for our # stream API fromRadio.config_complete_id logging.debug(f"Config complete ID {self.configId}") self._handleConfigComplete() elif fromRadio.HasField("packet"): self._handlePacketFromRadio(fromRadio.packet) elif fromRadio.HasField('queueStatus'): self._handleQueueStatusFromRadio(fromRadio.queueStatus) elif fromRadio.rebooted: # Tell clients the device went away. Careful not to call the overridden # subclass version that closes the serial port MeshInterface._disconnected(self) self._startConfig() # redownload the node db etc... elif fromRadio.config or fromRadio.moduleConfig: if fromRadio.config.HasField("device"): self.localNode.localConfig.device.CopyFrom(fromRadio.config.device) elif fromRadio.config.HasField("position"): self.localNode.localConfig.position.CopyFrom(fromRadio.config.position) elif fromRadio.config.HasField("power"): self.localNode.localConfig.power.CopyFrom(fromRadio.config.power) elif fromRadio.config.HasField("network"): elif fromRadio.config.HasField("display"): self.localNode.localConfig.display.CopyFrom(fromRadio.config.display) elif fromRadio.config.HasField("lora"): self.localNode.localConfig.lora.CopyFrom(fromRadio.config.lora) elif fromRadio.config.HasField("bluetooth"): self.localNode.localConfig.bluetooth.CopyFrom(fromRadio.config.bluetooth) elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("mqtt"): self.localNode.moduleConfig.mqtt.CopyFrom(fromRadio.moduleConfig.mqtt) elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("serial"): self.localNode.moduleConfig.serial.CopyFrom(fromRadio.moduleConfig.serial) elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("external_notification"): self.localNode.moduleConfig.external_notification.CopyFrom(fromRadio.moduleConfig.external_notification) elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("range_test"): self.localNode.moduleConfig.range_test.CopyFrom(fromRadio.moduleConfig.range_test) elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("telemetry"): self.localNode.moduleConfig.telemetry.CopyFrom(fromRadio.moduleConfig.telemetry) elif fromRadio.moduleConfig.HasField("canned_message"): self.localNode.moduleConfig.canned_message.CopyFrom(fromRadio.moduleConfig.canned_message) else: logging.debug("Unexpected FromRadio payload") def _fixupPosition(self, position): """Convert integer lat/lon into floats Arguments: position {Position dictionary} -- object to fix up Returns the position with the updated keys """ if "latitudeI" in position: position["latitude"] = position["latitudeI"] * 1e-7 if "longitudeI" in position: position["longitude"] = position["longitudeI"] * 1e-7 return position def _nodeNumToId(self, num): """Map a node node number to a node ID Arguments: num {int} -- Node number Returns: string -- Node ID """ if num == BROADCAST_NUM: return BROADCAST_ADDR try: return self.nodesByNum[num]["user"]["id"] except: logging.debug(f"Node {num} not found for fromId") return None def _getOrCreateByNum(self, nodeNum): """Given a nodenum find the NodeInfo in the DB (or create if necessary)""" if nodeNum == BROADCAST_NUM: raise Exception("Can not create/find nodenum by the broadcast num") if nodeNum in self.nodesByNum: return self.nodesByNum[nodeNum] else: n = {"num": nodeNum} # Create a minimial node db entry self.nodesByNum[nodeNum] = n return n def _handlePacketFromRadio(self, meshPacket, hack=False): """Handle a MeshPacket that just arrived from the radio hack - well, since we used 'from', which is a python keyword, as an attribute to MeshPacket in protobufs, there really is no way to do something like this: meshPacket = mesh_pb2.MeshPacket() meshPacket.from = 123 If hack is True, we can unit test this code. Will publish one of the following events: - meshtastic.receive.text(packet = MeshPacket dictionary) - meshtastic.receive.position(packet = MeshPacket dictionary) - meshtastic.receive.user(packet = MeshPacket dictionary) - = MeshPacket dictionary) """ asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(meshPacket) # We normally decompose the payload into a dictionary so that the client # doesn't need to understand protobufs. But advanced clients might # want the raw protobuf, so we provide it in "raw" asDict["raw"] = meshPacket # from might be missing if the nodenum was zero. if not hack and "from" not in asDict: asDict["from"] = 0 logging.error(f"Device returned a packet we sent, ignoring: {stripnl(asDict)}") print(f"Error: Device returned a packet we sent, ignoring: {stripnl(asDict)}") return if "to" not in asDict: asDict["to"] = 0 # /add fromId and toId fields based on the node ID try: asDict["fromId"] = self._nodeNumToId(asDict["from"]) except Exception as ex: logging.warning(f"Not populating fromId {ex}") try: asDict["toId"] = self._nodeNumToId(asDict["to"]) except Exception as ex: logging.warning(f"Not populating toId {ex}") # We could provide our objects as DotMaps - which work with . notation or as dictionaries # asObj = DotMap(asDict) topic = "meshtastic.receive" # Generic unknown packet type decoded = None if 'decoded' in asDict: decoded = asDict["decoded"] # The default MessageToDict converts byte arrays into base64 strings. # We don't want that - it messes up data payload. So slam in the correct # byte array. decoded["payload"] = meshPacket.decoded.payload # UNKNOWN_APP is the default protobuf portnum value, and therefore if not # set it will not be populated at all to make API usage easier, set # it to prevent confusion if decoded and "portnum" not in decoded: new_portnum = portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name(portnums_pb2.PortNum.UNKNOWN_APP) decoded["portnum"] = new_portnum logging.warning(f"portnum was not in decoded. Setting to:{new_portnum}") portnum = decoded["portnum"] topic = f"{portnum}" # decode position protobufs and update nodedb, provide decoded version # as "position" in the published msg move the following into a 'decoders' # API that clients could register? portNumInt = meshPacket.decoded.portnum # we want portnum as an int handler = protocols.get(portNumInt) # The decoded protobuf as a dictionary (if we understand this message) p = None if handler is not None: topic = f"meshtastic.receive.{}" # Convert to protobuf if possible if handler.protobufFactory is not None: pb = handler.protobufFactory() pb.ParseFromString(meshPacket.decoded.payload) p = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(pb) asDict["decoded"][] = p # Also provide the protobuf raw asDict["decoded"][]["raw"] = pb # Call specialized onReceive if necessary if handler.onReceive is not None: handler.onReceive(self, asDict) # Is this message in response to a request, if so, look for a handler requestId = decoded.get("requestId") if requestId is not None: # We ignore ACK packets, but send NAKs and data responses to the handlers routing = decoded.get("routing") isAck = routing is not None and ("errorReason" not in routing) if not isAck: # we keep the responseHandler in dict until we get a non ack handler = self.responseHandlers.pop(requestId, None) if handler is not None: if not isAck or (isAck and handler.__name__ == "onAckNak"): handler.callback(asDict) logging.debug(f"Publishing {topic}: packet={stripnl(asDict)} ") publishingThread.queueWork(lambda: pub.sendMessage( topic, packet=asDict, interface=self))
def close(self)
Shutdown this interface
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def close(self): """Shutdown this interface""" if self.heartbeatTimer: self.heartbeatTimer.cancel() self._sendDisconnect()
def getLongName(self)
Get long name
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def getLongName(self): """Get long name""" user = self.getMyUser() if user is not None: return user.get('longName', None) return None
def getMyNodeInfo(self)
Get info about my node.
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def getMyNodeInfo(self): """Get info about my node.""" if self.myInfo is None: return None logging.debug(f'self.nodesByNum:{self.nodesByNum}') return self.nodesByNum.get(self.myInfo.my_node_num)
def getMyUser(self)
Get user
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def getMyUser(self): """Get user""" nodeInfo = self.getMyNodeInfo() if nodeInfo is not None: return nodeInfo.get('user') return None
def getNode(self, nodeId, requestConfig=True)
Return a node object which contains device settings and channel info
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def getNode(self, nodeId, requestConfig=True): """Return a node object which contains device settings and channel info""" if nodeId in (LOCAL_ADDR, BROADCAST_ADDR): return self.localNode else: n = meshtastic.node.Node(self, nodeId) # Only request device settings and channel info when necessary if requestConfig: logging.debug("About to requestConfig") n.requestConfig() if not n.waitForConfig(): our_exit("Error: Timed out waiting for node config") return n
def getShortName(self)
Get short name
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def getShortName(self): """Get short name""" user = self.getMyUser() if user is not None: return user.get('shortName', None) return None
def onResponseTraceRoute(self, p)
on response for trace route
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def onResponseTraceRoute(self, p): """on response for trace route""" routeDiscovery = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery() routeDiscovery.ParseFromString(p["decoded"]["payload"]) asDict = google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToDict(routeDiscovery) print("Route traced:") routeStr = self._nodeNumToId(p["to"]) if "route" in asDict: for nodeNum in asDict["route"]: routeStr += " --> " + self._nodeNumToId(nodeNum) routeStr += " --> " + self._nodeNumToId(p["from"]) print(routeStr) self._acknowledgment.receivedTraceRoute = True
def sendData(self, data, destinationId='^all', portNum=256, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False, onResponse=None, channelIndex=0)
Send a data packet to some other node
Keyword Arguments: data – the data to send, either as an array of bytes or as a protobuf (which will be automatically serialized to bytes) destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} – where to send this message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR}) portNum – the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers) of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list wantAck – True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery) wantResponse – True if you want the service on the other side to send an application layer response onResponse – A closure of the form funct(packet), that will be called when a response packet arrives (or the transaction is NAKed due to non receipt) channelIndex - channel number to use
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks.
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def sendData(self, data, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.PRIVATE_APP, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False, onResponse=None, channelIndex=0): """Send a data packet to some other node Keyword Arguments: data -- the data to send, either as an array of bytes or as a protobuf (which will be automatically serialized to bytes) destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} -- where to send this message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR}) portNum -- the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers) of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list wantAck -- True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery) wantResponse -- True if you want the service on the other side to send an application layer response onResponse -- A closure of the form funct(packet), that will be called when a response packet arrives (or the transaction is NAKed due to non receipt) channelIndex - channel number to use Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ if getattr(data, "SerializeToString", None): logging.debug(f"Serializing protobuf as data: {stripnl(data)}") data = data.SerializeToString() logging.debug(f"len(data): {len(data)}") logging.debug(f"mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN: {mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN}") if len(data) > mesh_pb2.Constants.DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN: raise Exception("Data payload too big") if portNum == portnums_pb2.PortNum.UNKNOWN_APP: # we are now more strict wrt port numbers our_exit("Warning: A non-zero port number must be specified") meshPacket = mesh_pb2.MeshPacket() = channelIndex meshPacket.decoded.payload = data meshPacket.decoded.portnum = portNum meshPacket.decoded.want_response = wantResponse = self._generatePacketId() if onResponse is not None: self._addResponseHandler(, onResponse) p = self._sendPacket(meshPacket, destinationId, wantAck=wantAck) return p
def sendPosition(self, latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0, altitude=0, timeSec=0, destinationId='^all', wantAck=False, wantResponse=False)
Send a position packet to some other node (normally a broadcast)
Also, the device software will notice this packet and use it to automatically set its notion of the local position.
If timeSec is not specified (recommended), we will use the local machine time.
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks.
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def sendPosition(self, latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0, altitude=0, timeSec=0, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False): """ Send a position packet to some other node (normally a broadcast) Also, the device software will notice this packet and use it to automatically set its notion of the local position. If timeSec is not specified (recommended), we will use the local machine time. Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ p = mesh_pb2.Position() if latitude != 0.0: p.latitude_i = int(latitude / 1e-7) logging.debug(f'p.latitude_i:{p.latitude_i}') if longitude != 0.0: p.longitude_i = int(longitude / 1e-7) logging.debug(f'p.longitude_i:{p.longitude_i}') if altitude != 0: p.altitude = int(altitude) logging.debug(f'p.altitude:{p.altitude}') if timeSec == 0: timeSec = time.time() # returns unix timestamp in seconds p.time = int(timeSec) logging.debug(f'p.time:{p.time}') return self.sendData(p, destinationId, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.POSITION_APP, wantAck=wantAck, wantResponse=wantResponse)
def sendText(self, text: ~AnyStr, destinationId='^all', wantAck=False, wantResponse=False, onResponse=None, channelIndex=0)
Send a utf8 string to some other node, if the node has a display it will also be shown on the device.
text {string} – The text to send
Keyword Arguments: destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} – where to send this message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR}) portNum – the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers) of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list wantAck – True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery) wantResponse – True if you want the service on the other side to send an application layer response
Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks.
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def sendText(self, text: AnyStr, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False, onResponse=None, channelIndex=0): """Send a utf8 string to some other node, if the node has a display it will also be shown on the device. Arguments: text {string} -- The text to send Keyword Arguments: destinationId {nodeId or nodeNum} -- where to send this message (default: {BROADCAST_ADDR}) portNum -- the application portnum (similar to IP port numbers) of the destination, see portnums.proto for a list wantAck -- True if you want the message sent in a reliable manner (with retries and ack/nak provided for delivery) wantResponse -- True if you want the service on the other side to send an application layer response Returns the sent packet. The id field will be populated in this packet and can be used to track future message acks/naks. """ return self.sendData(text.encode("utf-8"), destinationId, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.TEXT_MESSAGE_APP, wantAck=wantAck, wantResponse=wantResponse, onResponse=onResponse, channelIndex=channelIndex)
def sendTraceRoute(self, dest, hopLimit)
Send the trace route
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def sendTraceRoute(self, dest, hopLimit): """Send the trace route""" r = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery() self.sendData(r, destinationId=dest, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.TRACEROUTE_APP, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseTraceRoute) # extend timeout based on number of nodes, limit by configured hopLimit waitFactor = min(len(self.nodes)-1, hopLimit) self.waitForTraceRoute(waitFactor)
def showInfo(self, file=sys.stdout)
Show human readable summary about this object
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def showInfo(self, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Show human readable summary about this object""" owner = f"Owner: {self.getLongName()} ({self.getShortName()})" myinfo = '' if self.myInfo: myinfo = f"\nMy info: {stripnl(MessageToJson(self.myInfo))}" mesh = "\nNodes in mesh:" nodes = "" if self.nodes: for n in self.nodes.values(): # when the TBeam is first booted, it sometimes shows the raw data # so, we will just remove any raw keys keys_to_remove = ('raw', 'decoded', 'payload') n2 = remove_keys_from_dict(keys_to_remove, n) # if we have 'macaddr', re-format it if 'macaddr' in n2['user']: val = n2['user']['macaddr'] # decode the base64 value addr = convert_mac_addr(val) n2['user']['macaddr'] = addr nodes = nodes + f" {stripnl(n2)}" infos = owner + myinfo + mesh + nodes print(infos) return infos
def showNodes(self, includeSelf=True, file=sys.stdout)
Show table summary of nodes in mesh
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def showNodes(self, includeSelf=True, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Show table summary of nodes in mesh""" def formatFloat(value, precision=2, unit=''): """Format a float value with precsion.""" return f'{value:.{precision}f}{unit}' if value else None def getLH(ts): """Format last heard""" return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ts else None def getTimeAgo(ts): """Format how long ago have we heard from this node (aka timeago).""" return timeago.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts), if ts else None rows = [] if self.nodes: logging.debug(f'self.nodes:{self.nodes}') for node in self.nodes.values(): if not includeSelf and node['num'] == self.localNode.nodeNum: continue row = {"N": 0} user = node.get('user') if user: row.update({ "User": user['longName'], "AKA": user['shortName'], "ID": user['id'], }) pos = node.get('position') if pos: row.update({ "Latitude": formatFloat(pos.get("latitude"), 4, "°"), "Longitude": formatFloat(pos.get("longitude"), 4, "°"), "Altitude": formatFloat(pos.get("altitude"), 0, " m"), }) metrics = node.get('deviceMetrics') if metrics: batteryLevel = metrics.get('batteryLevel') if batteryLevel is not None: if batteryLevel == 0: batteryString = "Powered" else: batteryString = str(batteryLevel)+"%" row.update({"Battery": batteryString}) row.update({ "Channel util.": formatFloat(metrics.get('channelUtilization'), 2, "%"), "Tx air util.": formatFloat(metrics.get('airUtilTx'), 2, "%"), }) row.update({ "SNR": formatFloat(node.get("snr"), 2, " dB"), "LastHeard": getLH(node.get("lastHeard")), "Since": getTimeAgo(node.get("lastHeard")), }) rows.append(row) rows.sort(key=lambda r: r.get('LastHeard') or '0000', reverse=True) for i, row in enumerate(rows): row['N'] = i+1 table = tabulate(rows, headers='keys', missingval='N/A', tablefmt='fancy_grid') print(table) return table
def waitForAckNak(self)
Wait for the ack/nak
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def waitForAckNak(self): """Wait for the ack/nak""" success = self._timeout.waitForAckNak(self._acknowledgment) if not success: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for an acknowledgment")
def waitForConfig(self)
Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received.
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def waitForConfig(self): """Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received.""" success = self._timeout.waitForSet(self, attrs=('myInfo', 'nodes')) and self.localNode.waitForConfig() if not success: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for interface config")
def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor)
Wait for trace route
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def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor): """Wait for trace route""" success = self._timeout.waitForTraceRoute(waitFactor, self._acknowledgment) if not success: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for traceroute")